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Madden's Birthday Gift

Madden's Birthday Gift
Madden's Birthday Gift

Date: June 4, 2013 - 2:30am

Location: Stollery Children's Hospital

On June 4th, 2013, Madden would be one year old. We will be delivering donations of children's books, sleepers, socks, blankets and sock monkeys to the hospital on Madden's birthday. This will be Madden's present.

Since Madden was diagnosed with a serious heart condition before he was born, he only had a few things that were his own: a bright colourful sock monkey, a few special blankets, tiny socks (the only clothes he was able to wear) and the book, Love You Forever, which his Mommy read to him every day in the hospital. These gifts have very special meaning for us and we love receiving and giving them.

Perhaps you have a favourite baby gift, lovey or book that another family will cherish as much we do our sweet boy's sock monkey - we would love to pass those on too.

Donations can be dropped off to us, contact us to arrange for pick up or drop off. Items will be accepted up until June 3rd.